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Sup. We're Monster and Slim. We are two mutated zombie movie watchers who love to eat movies. Monster likes movies with a lot of action, a good story line, and with lots of zombies. Slim likes movies with lots of blood, action, a good story that can be followed, and lots of hot women. Neither of us like movies that star Lindsay Lohan, Zac Efron, or Miley Cyris. But we Love Megan Fox!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Popcorn With The Movie "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" Review

Slim here. Popcorn With The Movie are two girls who go by the names of Butter and Salt. I am reviewing their review on Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.

The thing I like about their review is the way they set it up. They have a summary of the movie at the beginning and each of their comments at the end. It is very well organized in my opinion.

Another thing that I like about their review is that they explain a lot about the movie with accurate information, and give good opinions on why they did or didn't like the movie.

In the summary about the movie, there are a few grammar errors that should be corrected. Other than that, this review kept me interested and satisfied.

To view Popcorn With The Movie blog page click here.

Fresh Flick's Pick's "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" Review

SUP. Slim here. Fresh Flick's Pick's are two dudes that go by the names of B-Dub and D-Fly. I am reviewing their review of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.

Their review basically summarizes the whole movie, giving the reader a good idea of what the movie is about. Threw out the review, there are a lot of grammar errors making it hard to follow in some areas. If the were to go back and fix all the errors, their review would be pretty good.

Also, I would have liked to have herd their opinions on things that they may or may not have liked about the movie. Other than that, their review explained a lot about the movie, and kept me interested.

To view Fresh Flick's Pick's blog page click on the iamge above.

The Movie - Nators "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" Review

Slim here. The Movie - Nators are a guy and a girl that go by the names of Buddah and Funbob. I'm reviewing their review on Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.

Their review starts off good. Towards the end of the first paragraph and in the middle of the second paragraph there are sentences with a few grammar errors that make it difficult for the reader to understand what they're trying to say. Other than that, their review gave accurate information, and good opinions.

To view The Movie - Nators blog page click on the image above.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcome to Macintosh

Monster here, I just watched the documentary “Welcome To Macintosh”. In this movie the viewer gets told the history of the company and see some crazy people.

Macintosh was started by two friends Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak. There first computer, the Macintosh 2, was first sold in stores in 1977. The Macintosh company had several bad years after IBM reelected the first personal computer or PC as we know it now in 1981. It would be another decade and a half before Mack would be in the spot light gain. In 1994 Steve Jobs became CEO of the Macintosh Corporation. Shortly after the name changed to Apple Corporation. In 1995 the next world changing product was reelected the IMac.

The documentary contains many interviews and even a tour of a persons collection of Macintosh and Apple products. Some of the interviewees are Guy Kawasaki and Andy Herzfeld. the interviews is what made the movie so good and entertaining to me.

This movie gets the monster approval. Now go see it for your self.

Friday, September 25, 2009


(Spoiler Alert!!!) Sup, this is Slim. I just saw the latest Shane Acker film, 9, released September 9, 2009. I thought 9 was going to be action packed, with tons of great fight scenes, but I was let down. Even though the graphics were spectacular, it lacked in action, and that awesome vibe that you got from the trailer.

The movie starts out with 9 (voiced by Elijah Wood) coming to life, in world that has been trashed, and, from what I could tell, terminated of human existence. As he goes exploring, a mechanical beast starts to track him down. He then runs into 2 (voiced by Martin Landau), who gives him a voice and saves him from the mechanical beast, getting himself captured. 5 (voiced by John C. Reilly) spots 9 from a church tower and brings him back to the church. There, 9 meets 1 (voiced by Christopher Plummer), 8 (voiced by Fred Tatasciore), and 6 (voiced by Crispin Glover). 9, after trying to convince 1 that they should go and save 2, talks 5 into sneaking out with him to go rescue their friend. While in the din of the mechanical beast, they run into 7 (voiced by Jennifer Connelly) who kills the beast just as they're about to be captured. As they're about to leave the din, 9 ,using a mechanical piece, reawakens a machine that kills 2. The three of them (5, 7, and 9) escape and meat up with 3 and 4 (twins who can't speak) to learn about the machine that had been reawaken. They learn that the machine was created by the scientist that had created them, but the machine was taken over by the military and was forced to make war machines. The war machines eventually turned on the human raise, wiping out everyone and almost destroying everything. 9 then realizes that he must turn off the machine and save his friends before they are all killed.

The graphics were awesome. The explosions, the fight scenes, and the characters were all amazingly realistic. Some things that I thought could have been changed or added where the personalities of the characters. They all seemed to be awesome kick-butt heroes in the trailer, but in the movie all of them, with the exception of 7, reverted to running and hiding. Another thing that I would have added would be more information. I can't recall if they ever explained what the sack people were and what they were supposed to do in the first place. But other than that, I really liked this movie and look forward to buying it on DVD.

Welcome to Macintosh

Slim here. Welcome to Macintosh is a documentary that was made by Rob Baca and Josh Rizzo. Although they weren't able to interview Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, the people that they did interview helped explain the creation, development, and history of the Apple industry.

The documentary starts off by explaining how Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs basically revolutionized the technology world back in 1977, with the release of the Apple II. It then goes on to explaining how the Apple industry started developing and becoming more internationally recognized.

What caught my attention about this documentary was how they were able to interview big names in Apple's history and get their opinions on so many subjects. A few of the interviewees were Guy Kawasaki (originally responsible for marketing the Macintosh), Andy Herzfeld (a key member of the original Macintosh development team during the 1980s), and Jim Reekes (an expert in product strategy, competitive analysis, market driven requirements, and brand building).

The interviewees also talked about what might happen to Apple when Jobs leaves for good. They all agree that nobody can replace Steve Jobs and accomplish what he has accomplished, but eventually somebody will have to. Kawasaki says that if this new guy comes in thinking he's the new Jobs, then they're all done for. Hopefully he is wrong and the fall of Apple will never come.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Monster and Slim here. Knowing that "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" is a musical, we expected it to be boring. Surprisingly so, we were proven wrong.

"Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" was written and directed by Joss Whedon. Neil Patrick Harris (Dr. Horrible), Nathan Fillion (Captain Hammer), and Felicia Day (Penny, the girl that Dr. Horrible is so deeply in love with) play great lead roles keeping the movie interesting and funny.

The parts we liked most about the movie were the funny songs sung by Neil Patrick Harris, and the confrontations between Dr. Horrible and Captain Hammer. The scene where Penny introduces Dr. Horrible to Captain Hammer at the dry cleaners made us laugh the most. We don't want to spoil that seen for you, so here's a link to the movie.

Some things that we didn't like about "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" was that some of the songs were a bit depressing as well as the life of Dr. Horrible. All Dr. Horrible wants is to be respected and seen as a true villain, and to be able to talk with the girl he loves. But right as he's about to accomplish something or make a move on Penny, Captain Hammer steps in and ruins everything. We think Captain Hammer got what he deserved in the end, but what happened to Penny almost made us burst into tears.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Disrict 9

(Spoiler alert! This post may spoil the movie) Monster here. I thought District 9 was a great movie with lots of action and a great plot.

The plot was: In 1982 an alien space ship landed in Johannesburg, South Africa. The aliens are forced to live in District 9 were they are treated poorly. The movie starts when the humans are trying to move the aliens to District 10 to calm the human population of Johannesburg.

I also thought the graphics were mind boggling. The aliens and their space ship looked as if they were actually there. The end of the movie left me wondering, will there be a District 10? Who knows? I think there will be.