Have you ever seen a movie were a killer kills a person when hey are in the shower. Well i just watched the movie that started that trend. Hi, Monster here I love slasher movies, today I watched he father of all slasher’s: Psycho. Directed by: Alferd Hitchcock, the psycho Norman Bates Played by: Anthony Perkins. Perkins plays the part of an insane hotel owner.
A young Lila Crane is sleeping with a guy that has a wife and he mentions that he is trying to divorce his wife but needs money. Lila returns to work as a client is purchasing a house. He pays $40,000 cash. Her boss asks her to take the money to the bank. Lila decides to take the money and run. As she is heading out of town her boss spots her. As she reaches the next town she buys a new car to throw off any followers. Finally she reaches a point were she cant drive any more and stops at the Bates Hotel. After settling in she hears Norman and his mother fighting. She waits as Norman to bring her a sandwich. After he arrives at her room she asked him if they were fighting about her. Norman said that she did not want a lady staying here. After Bates leaves she hides the money and takes a shower. This is were the famous shadow killer killing a victim in a shower comes from. Bates finds the body and disposes of it. Then Lila’s family starts looking for her. They come to the Bates Hotel and The mysterious killer strikes again killing a privet investigator. It all goes down hill from here. I don’t want to spoil it but Norman’s Mind dies But not his body he is sharing that with his mother who is dead.
I like scary movies but this is not a scary as sick and twisted. This movie gave birth the whole insane killer Slasher gene. This movie is awesome, with its killing, its pyschoness, and goryness. my favorit part was at the end when you find out who the killer is. Just saying it is realy creapy. It got nder my skin more than anything else. i ive it 9 1/2 heads out of 10.
Beat Sheet
- Opening Image: A nice day in Pheonix where people have a controlled mind
- Theme Stated: When the boyfriend Sam talks his money troubles
- Set Up: Marion's Boss asks her to bank the 40K
- Catalyst: Marion is seen leaving town with the money
- Debate: While driving Marion lets her imagination take over
- Breaks into Two: Goes to the Bates Motel
- B-Story: Marion meets Norman Bates
- Fun and Games: Norman Kills Marion while she is laughing in the shower
- Midpoint: Norman takes the body and hides Marion's body
- Bad Guys Close In: PI Dies
- All is Lost: Marion's Sister can't reach P.I.
- Dark Knight of Soul: When Sam and Marion's Sister go to talk to the Sherif and find out the mom is dead
- Break Into Three: Sam and Marion's Sister devise a plan to go to the motel
- Finale: Marion's sister searches through the house
- Final Image: Norman is sitting in jail as his mother
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